I love TV Series. Some series that might occur in my top 10 of all time are (without order):
- Game of Thrones is my favorite series of all time
- Breaking Bad
- Family Guy
- South Park
- Rick and Morty
- Westworld
- Fallout
- Invinvible (if S3 made the promise)
- The Big Bang Theory
- Black Mirror
- From
- Marvel Stuffs (Loki, Moon Knight, Agatha: All Along, Wandavision, X-Men 97’..)
I might watched things that I liked more, but I can’t think of them at the top of my head
I love movies, but it’s hard to think of a list, I’ll just say that I’m a big Marvel fan.
I like learning about cultures, and learning languages. Apart from the main languages that I know (Arabic, English) or I have learned academically (French, German), I’m learning some Russian, Dutch, Swedish, Italian, Japanese.. (I’m not perfect at it, so I probably forget a lot from time to time)
Enterpreneurship is a growing interest of mine recently (I don’t have an idea that I want to turn into a product, I’m rather learning how startups work and get to know the ecosystem), so I’m checking a lot of resources about Project Management, Product Discovery, Soft skills, Marketing…